Amos Pewter

Est. 1974

About this Experience
Meet one of our artisans who will introduce you to the fine art of molding pewter. Learn all the stages of a design, from concept through wax carving to finished pewter. Tour the workshop, then watch as molten pewter is transformed into our beautiful designs. After learning the trick of the trade, pick up a tool and try your hand at a little wax carving yourself.

Does this Experience require advanced booking?
Yes, please book ahead of time by calling 902 405-4677 or email

Hours of Operation
9am - 8pm

1535 Saltyard Way
Halifax, NS B3J 1S3
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A staff member from Amos Pewter shows a pewter sand dollar to a young child.Person with an Amos Pewter apron wearing gloves holds a mold of newly poured pewter sand dollars.